Monday, February 19, 2018

Phugging Phone Menu Rant

Avocado green dial telephone - those were the days
I called a local business the other day and sat on the postmodern version of hold.

Waiting for the endless phone menu to end, or at least come to a number I could press to get a live human being, I started ranting to the robot voice on the phone:

"Just give me a person to talk to...
Why can't the number for a real human be first on the list (#2 in this excellent article) ...
I won't remember your entire www address...
why do you ... have... slowly?
Just connect me
I expect someone was listening to me and giggling. Phug them.

Seriously though, all I had to do was Google irritating menus when you phone a company and the first hit was the excellent article mentioned above - with an equally awesome URL

Of course, I always search in the past year for anything relevant. Check out these 11 Google tricks for fun.

But I digress...

All we can do is hope that the PTB at RandomBusiness get this message someday.


There are companies I won't go back to to because their phone menu is so awfully convoluted

or because I don't like the receptionist.

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